QTLTS Forklift Scale System
The Avery Weigh-Tronix QTLTS Forklift Scale System turns a lift truck into a mobile scale. The system includes a durable, frontmounted digital scale carriage with Weigh Bar® electronic weight sensors and two viewing ports, as well as a choice of two in-cab instruments. The system allows operators to easily and quickly capture weight data en route, without extra steps.
Simply attach the QTLTS scale carriage to an existing Class II or Class III cleat-type forklift carriage and mount the FLI 225/425 instrument in a convenient driver location. This system allows seamless integration of weighing and data management into your operations without adding any extra
steps or route changes.
Data Management:
The FLI 225 instrument provides a simple, no-nonsense solution through classic or enhanced operation for capturing weight and supplying it to a peripheral device.
The FLI 425 instrument simultaneously displays multiple fields of data, assisting the operator with a visual reference. Data can be stored on-board or instantly transmitted wirelessly to a local or global network.
- Applications / Features
Scale Carriage:
Front and Back Plates Yield Strength: 43,500 psi
Weigh Bar® Fasteners Yield Strength:160,000 psi
Weigh Bar Tensioners Yield Strength: 150,000 psi
Mounting Hooks Yield Strength: 43,500 psi
View Port: Two viewing ports
Weight Sensors: Four Avery Weigh-Tronix 2500 LB Weigh Bars direct coupled, no
Overload Protection: Withstands up to 200% of full capacity applied anywhere
up to 24” from frame and side loads up to 100% of full capacity
Finish: High grade powder paintWeigh Bar:
Type: 2.5k weight sensors (4) 5,000 LB. 6k weight sensors (4) 10,000 LB
Metal Properties: AISI 4340 steel yield strength 140,000 psi
Zero Balance: ± 0.10 mv/v
Non-Linearity Maximum: 0.3% of rated output
Hysteresis Maximum: 0.03% of rated output
Temperature Effect on Output: ± 0.0025% ° C of rated output (-10 to +40° C)
Temperature Effect on Zero Balance: ± 1.70 x 10-7 volts per volt 5°C (-10 to +40° C)
Safe Overload Rating: 150% of capacity
- Approval
* NCWM Certificate of Conformance 07-028
* Accuracy Class III, 5000 x 5 LB
* Compatible with ITA Class II, 16” high cleat type carriage
* FCC part 15B
* Measurement Canada AM-5715
* EC TAC UK 2862