7531 Truck Scale
Model 7531 combines an economical weighbridge design with the proven accuracy and reliability of POWERCELL® PDX® load cells. The result is a high value solution for weighing over-the-road trucks. Designed for above-ground installation, the scale has a thick concrete deck supported by heavy-duty steel I-beams. The structures main I-beams form integral side rails that help guide trucks onto the scale safely. This versatile truck scale is available in custom lengths and designs, including grain-dump options and multiple-platform configurations for determining axle weights.
- Applications/Features
Features & Benefits:
- 50t POWERCELL® PDX® Load Cells: Stainless steel load cells provide highest accuracy and reliability (IP68/IP69K).
- StrikeShield - Lightning Protection: Protects your system from lightning damage.
- International Intergard® Finish: Protects steel against corrosion even in the harshest environments.
- Knocked-Down Design: Easy to ship in a standard 40-foot shipping container.Applications:
For weighing over-the-road vehicles in a variety of aboveground applications, including:
- Agriculture - Scrap Metals
- Bulk Foods - Utilities
- Livestock - Landfills
- Warehouses - Chemicals
- Capacity
70,000 lb (scale lengths < 25 ft) 120,000 lb (scale lengths > 25 ft, < 55 ft) 200,000 lb (scale lengths > 55 ft)